Money Market from Widget Financial
If you would like to earn a higher return on your money, and have the cash readily available, then a Money Market Account may be the product for you. Our Money Market Account features include:
A Credit Union Money Market Account could be the perfect way to save for your financial goals!
Remember, the rate for your money market account is based on the total balance in the account.

1Variable rate subject to change. Dividends are calculated on the average daily balance of $2,000 or more and credited monthly. 2Reg D transfer/withdrawal limitations apply. The minimum required amount to withdraw, write a check or transfer to another account or third-party is $500. Transactions below the minimum required amount will be assessed a fee. Call Credit Union at 814.456.6231 for a copy of our Rate and Fee Disclosure for complete details.

High Rates
Grow your savings with a competitive rate.

Low Minimum Balance
Enjoy a low minimum balance of $2,000.

No Monthly Fees
Unlike other accounts, we have no monthly fees.